Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Welcome Back, Freshmen!

Welcome back to Scranton!  We hope that you had a safe, happy and productive break and that you are as excited to return to class as we are to have you back on campus!

Here are some things to consider as you begin the Spring 2013 semester:

  • You can still change your schedule! As you begin the semester, we hope that you are enjoying everything for which you are registered, but sometimes it is necessary to make changes to your schedule.  You have until Tuesday, February 5 to add courses to your schedule or to change sections.  You can change your schedule on your own with your registration PIN or you can contact the advising center for a little help.  After that date, you can still drop a course but you will be unable to add a course or change a section.  Click here for other important dates!

  • Know that your rooms or professors might have changed.  The location of your class or the professor teaching it is subject to change until classes begin.  If you haven't checked it in a while, you should print off a new copy of your schedule.

  • This is the semester to claim your spot on the Dean's List!  Now that you have adjusted to college life and have one semester at Scranton, you know what to expect.  Take some time to consider how things went last semester.  Are you content with what you learned or how you achieved?  Do you feel that you could improve....procrastinate less, study more hours, go out a little less or utilize tutors and the writing center?  Start those good habits early for a successful semester and let us know if you would like some help identifying ways to improve!
We are here to help and advise, as always!  Best of luck on your first day back!

Katie Robinson
CAS Academic Advisor